Earthlife News

A blog of culture shaping events, dedicated to d faye.

Posting Date-2020-08-14

Kansas City
Wilbert Harrison Your comments
Posting Date-2020-08-02

The Twist
Chubby Checker Your comments
Posting Date-2020-08-01

Do You Love Me?
The Contours Your comments
Posting Date-2020-08-01

Lover's Concerto
The Toys Your comments
Posting Date-2020-07-20

David Webb - The United States is Not Institutionally Racist
David hosts a daily talk show on SiriusXM Patriot 125, 9am East / 6am West with breaking news, analysis and commentary. Your comments
Posting Date-2020-07-08

Former NFL Player: BLM Wants to Disrupt the Nuclear Family
On the FOX Sports 1 show, “Speak for Yourself,” former NFL all-pro defensive end Marcellus Wiley, said identity politics is a slippery slope. “There’s a problem with when you start to go down this road of the freedom of expression, freedom of speech, and how much social space is allowed for those who don’t support in that same space, and that’s where I wonder where this is going to go in terms of identity politics. We know what identity politics does: it divides and it polarizes,” he said. Your comments
Posting Date-2020-07-08

African Cardinal Blasts BLM for Betraying Black Community
Cardinal Wilfrid Fox Napier, the archbishop of Durban, South Africa, tweeted this weekend that a brief study of the founding statement of Black Lives Matter "indicates the movement is being hijacked by the interests and parties committed to dismantling the very values, structure and institutions which have over the centuries undergird the best civilisations and cultures!"

In his critique, Napier has joined a growing group of Christian and black leaders who have denounced BLM for its renunciation of the nuclear family and total embrace of the LGBT agenda, including the banishment of “heteronormativity” and the espousal of “queer culture.”

Your comments
Posting Date-2020-07-06

Houston Pastor Blames Blacks for Black Deaths
Reverend Terry Anderson says, "all the killing in our community ain't coming from white people" Your comments
Posting Date-2020-07-03

An Assessment of Deadly Force in the Philadelphia Police Department
This analysis found that white police officers were less likely than black or Hispanic officers to shoot unarmed black suspects. Your comments
Posting Date-2020-07-03

The Myth of Systemic Police Racism
From the article:

The false narrative of systemic police bias resulted in targeted killings of officers during the Obama presidency. The pattern may be repeating itself. Officers are being

assaulted and shot at while they try to arrest gun suspects or respond to the growing riots. Police precincts and courthouses have been destroyed with impunity, which will encourage more civilization-destroying violence. If the Ferguson effect of officers backing off law enforcement in minority neighborhoods is reborn as the Minneapolis effect, the thousands of law-abiding African-Americans who depend on the police for basic safety will once again be the victims.

By Heather McDonald

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Posting Date-2020-07-02

Black Harvard Research Professor Proves There's No Systemic Racism
Not what the professor expected to find.A 33 minute video report by lawyer Bob Barnes which includes the study by the black Harvard research professor. Your comments
Posting Date-2020-06-27

Talk Show Host Larry Elder Teaching About Racism (2017)
Watch how an open minded liberal (Dave Rubin) can learn the truth about racism."Rubin deserves some major respect for being so open minded and fair. Regardless on if he was right or wrong, he listened to what the opposition had to say, pondered it, then considered applying new information to his worldview. Most people from either end of the political spectrum are unwilling to do this. Mad respect" - from the comments. Your comments
Posting Date-2020-06-26

Vancouver Mayor: Racism is systemic in police departments.

Vancouver Deputy Chief: Racism is not prevalent in the police force
Vancouver Mayor Kennedy Stewart, as Chair of the Vancouver Police Board, acknowledges the existence of systemic racism in police services.

Deputy Vancouver Police Chief Howard Chow says systemic racism is not prevalent in the Vancouver Police Department.

In this June 25 TV interview, Deputy Chief Chow describes how careful selection, background checks, training and accountability keep racism out of the Vancouver Police Force.

We support Deputy Police Chief Howard Chow.

Your comments
Posting Date-2020-06-25

2019 Study Finds White Police Not More Likely To Fatally Shoot Black Suspects
From the Discussion:

" . . .officer race, sex, or experience did not predict the race of a person fatally shot "

"We did not find evidence for anti-Black or anti-Hispanic disparity in police use of force across all shootings, and, if anything, found anti-White disparities when controlling for race-specific crime." Your comments
Posting Date-2020-06-22

Justice Department Data Suggests: Blacks are 7 times more violent against other blacks than whites are.
70.3% of violent incidents against blacks were done by other blacks, while only 10.6% of violent incidents against blacks were done by whites. USA-Department of Justice-Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2018 Your comments
Posting Date-2020-06-17

FBI Crime Statistics, 2018 - Blacks Kill More Than Twice As Many Whites As Whites Kill Blacks
FBI murder statistics show during 2018 there were 514 instances where a black person killed a white person, while only 234 instances where a white person killed a black person.In single victim/single offender murders:

There were 234 instances where a white person killed a black person which is 8% of all blacks killed.
There were 2,600 instances where a black person killed a black person which is 88.9% of all blacks killed.
There were 514 instances where a black person killed a white person which is 15.5% of all whites killed.
There were 2,677 instances where a white person killed a white person which is 80.7% of all whites killed.

There were 3,011 murders by whites (48.6%) and 3,177 murders by blacks (51.4%). The black proportion of the population is 13.4% while the white proportion is 76.5%.

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Posting Date-2018-01-26

Essential Nature of the Conflict Between Individualism and Collectivism
By Greg Cooper, June 23, 2011


Government is very limited with the use of the law, as to what it can force the entire group (city, state, country) to do. Government uses the law only to protect an individual's or group's life, freedom and property from harm by other individuals, sub-groups or external groups.

In doing this, government will try to assist in restoring individuals/groups who are harmed to their un-harmed state, by forcing the offending individuals/groups to make restitution to the harmed individuals/groups.

However, government itself does not restore harmed individuals/groups to their un-harmed state, regardless of how they were harmed.

Government does not protect individuals from harm arising from their own behavior, or caused by animals, natural disasters or acts of God. To repeat, government only protects life, liberty and property from harm by other individuals, sub-groups or external groups.

As such, government is a crucial but inactive participant in human activity, much like a referee is an inactive but essential participant in a football game.

Notice that government does not protect the citizens from itself. The only protection citizens have from the government is by the citizens themselves.


Government uses the law to do almost anything deemed necessary. This is justified because the government is elected by the majority, so its actions must be the best possible for all those governed.

Besides trying to protect, as in individualism, the government tries to increase fairness and justice, by making and enforcing legal systems, which put government, not only in the position of protector of life, freedom and property, but also in the position of re-distributor of wealth to those represented by large enough sub-groups.

The re-distribution is accomplished through, for example, all sorts of quotas and taxation, where these laws are superimposed upon all financial transactions between individuals, corporations, other levels of government, etc. You cannot legally sell something to your customer unless the government collects a sales tax. You cannot get paid a wage without the government collecting an income tax. You cannot sell eggs without operating within restrictions of a marketing board.

The beneficiaries of the wealth obtained by governments in this way can be individuals obtaining welfare benefits, unions, associations, special interest groups or corporations with strong lobbies - any sub-group composed of a large enough number of individuals. The name of the game here is to use the power of government to channel any available wealth in your own direction.

Besides being a protector of citizens and a re-distributor of wealth, government often becomes an active player in the business of life, much like if a referee in a football game were to assist the underdog to move the ball. This is exemplified in the government's running the postal service and the education system or giving different tax treatment to individuals in different situations.

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Posting Date-2018-01-16

Reasons Not To Worry About Trump Shortcomings
I have been worried over some of Trump's shortcomings, like if he takes too much responsibility for the stock market record rise when it will inevitably correct, or his dropping 59 Tomahawk missiles on Syria, or his still keeping troops in Afghanistan or his failure to establish a vaccine safety commission with RFK Jr. So I put together this collection of his accomplishments to soothe my worries: A December 28, 2017 article from the Washington Examiner (1) lists Trump's top accomplishments, which I summarize: If you are conservative, you would like Trump's more than 11 appellate court appointments during his first year in office, shattering an all time record. You might like the largest tax cuts since 1986 - slashing the corporate rate from 35 to 21%, cutting individual rates for all tax levels, doubling the child tax credit and dramatically increasing the standard deduction. You might like that he repealed the 'individual mandate', meaning you can now refuse government health care without paying a fine. If you are a business owner, you might like that he got rid of more than 1500 regulations. He has tried to cut government waste by issuing an executive order directing every federal agency to determine “where money is being wasted [and] how services can be improved.” If you are sensitive to immigrants coming in from non-functional countries, you might be happy that his travel ban was upheld by the Supreme Court. If you oppose ISIS, you will like that their numbers and their territory has been decimated since Trump's inauguration. If you support Israel, you might like that Trump allowed the US Embassy in Israel to move to Jerusalem, the city Israel recognizes as its capital. And if you don't think Trump's withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement was a good move, you haven't read the real science (9) on the subject.

And here are some other events that have occurred since Trump's inauguration:

Illegal immigration is at a 45 year low. (2)

As of the market close on Dec. 22, 2017,the Dow Jones industrial average had gone up 35 percent. (3)

Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump (4)

Black unemployment rate has fallen to a record low. (5)

Trump got the negotiations going between North and South Korea, not by acting 'normal' and being taken advantage of like his predecessors (8) but by acting tough: "North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen," he said. (6) South Korea President Moon Jae-in said, “I think President Trump deserves big credit for bringing about the inter-Korean talks.” (7)

AT&T are giving $1000 bonuses to hundreds of thousands of workers after the tax bill. AT&T also announced increased capital expenditures of $1 Billion in the US (10). Boeing, Wells Fargo and others have also announced special bonuses and pay hikes. (11) Business Insider says the tax plan could bring $250 billion into the US. (12)

I understand that no one can ascribe a single cause to economic and social events, but one has to admit that the focus of Presidential energy is a big factor in these improvements.














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Posting Date-2017-12-07

Why the Researchers Can't Agree About Homeopathic Medicine?
By Greg Cooper

For decades, researchers have been arguing about their conflicting results when they investigate homeopathic medicine. I point out in my 2010 article, which is still relevant today, that the reason for the disagreements is that the researchers usually use randomised, double blinded clinical trials, and I make the case that this type of test is not suitable for homeopathy, because these tests track only a very small number of variables, while homeopathy affects a wide array of mental and physical health issues at the same time.

I propose a way around this problem is to use a different type of study called an 'outcome study', which measures overall outcomes rather than specific variables. These have been used on a small scale. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-12-06

Three New Studies, Taken Together, Suggest Aluminum is the Link Connecting Vaccines To Autism
By Greg Cooper, December 6, 2017

Aluminum is present in many childhood vaccines, according to the CDC, to increase their effectiveness.

Subcutaneous injections of aluminum at vaccine adjuvant levels activate innate immune genes in the mouse brain that are homologous with biomarkers of autism. In other words, aluminum affects mouse brains similar to how autism does. This study, from the University of British Columbia, December of 2017, was just retracted from the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry!

Brain tissue from people with autism has some of the highest values of aluminum ever recorded. This study is from the United Kingdom and was published in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, November of 2017.

Aluminum oxyhydroxide injected at low dose in mouse muscle may selectively induce long-term Aluminum cerebral accumulation and neurotoxic effects, according to a study from France published in the journal Toxicology in January, 2017.

Taken together, these results support the vaccine-autism connection by way of the aluminium in the vaccines. This evidence is more than enough to make me run away from the usual vaccination schedule.

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Posting Date-2017-12-05

Did Trump Blast North Korea's Latest Missile Out Of The Sky?
By Greg Cooper, December 5, 2017

A Cathay Pacific airline crew says they saw North Korea's latest missile fall out of the sky.

Over the last decade, the U.S. has been successful in developing entirely new weapon systems and defences which encompass Hypersonic weapons, Directed Energy Weapons, Electro-Mechanical Pulses and satellite weapons in space.

If Trump did have the ability to blast a North Korean missile with a disabling energy beam, he wouldn't want to reveal he had it, as that would alert adversaries to prepare for it and diminish its effectiveness. Hence, it would be top secret.

At the same time, he would not hesitate to test it on a NK missile being tested. And to save face, NK would not readily admit their missile had been 'shot down'.

This could explain how the latest NK missile 'fell out of the sky' and might make us all sleep a little easier than if we believe there are simply two madmen are facing off against each other, with us in the middle.

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Posting Date-2017-12-03

A Primer on Money and Debt
A philosophy article on what money essentially is.By Greg Cooper Your comments
Posting Date-2017-11-29

US House Resolution is Pro-Vaccination Despite Government Paying $3.7 Billion to Victims of Vaccination
US Government Resolution 327 asserts "there is no credible evidence to show that vaccines cause life-threatening or disabling diseases in healthy children or adults", while the government's National Vaccine Compensation Injury program's own records show it has paid out over 3.7 billion dollars in awards to victims. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-11-29

Honolulu police tell legal marijuana users to turn in their firearms
It looks like you are not allowed to own firearms if you use marijuana legally in Hawaii Your comments
Posting Date-2017-11-28

World Premiere of Documentary on European Culture Banned by Ottawa Public Library
There has been an assault on free speech in Ottawa. A Danish-born American, Michael Hansen, had been noticing reports of undesirable cultural changes in his native Europe, like terrorist attacks and gang rapes, so he went back there and made a documentary called "Killing Europe".

The film covers the recent cultural degradation including accounts of victims of rape, anti-Semitism, and homophobia. I haven't watched it yet, but will soon.

The film was set to have its world premiere screening at the Ottawa Public Library on Saturday November 25, but was cancelled because it was 'in breach of community standards'. By removing this event, the City of Ottawa and the Ottawa Public Library are not only restricting free speech but are permitting the perpetuation of the human rights abuses shown in the film.

Judge it for yourself and decide how important free speech is -

Watch the trailer of film

Interview with the filmmaker before the cancellation

Interview with the filmmaker after the cancellation

Pay $3.74 to watch the film on Vimeo

See how the group Ottawa Against Facism is happy about the cancellation while it promotes a celebration of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia by the Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR-RCP) (a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Party in Canada)

See how the group ACT for Canada is unhappy about the cancellation

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Posting Date-2017-11-11

Is Medical Science Trying to Exterminate Minorities?
Events surrounding the abortion industry, the vaccination industry, the protection of the water supply, the safety of drug trials, the transparency of scientific research and the medical treatment of children in Canadian residential schools, point to an attitude of abuse towards minorities, which results in widespread death and permanent injury.A synopsis and fact-checking by Greg Cooper of a article. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-11-07

Eat Yourself Happy
Junk food affects your mental health by causing blood sugar highs and lows. This interferes with brain chemicals that affect mood. Protein is vital to make serotonin and dopamine – which are key to our mental health. Crucial nutrients that our brain requires in tiny amounts can really affect our mental state. These include B vitamins, iron, calcium, magnesium, chromium, zinc and selenium. I take daily Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Whey protein and B vitamins. Seems to do the job. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-11-05

Good Guy With Gun Saves Lives in Texas Shooting
Local heros with at least one gun chased and brought down the Texas church shooter. Witness

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Posting Date-2017-10-27

University Professor Claims Math Skills Perpetuate “Unearned Privilege” Among White People.
A math education professor at the University of Illinois is worrying that algebra and geometry perpetuate privilege because "emphasizing terms like Pythagorean theorem and pi" give the impression that math "was largely developed by Greeks and other Europeans." Rochelle Gutiérrez, PhD, argues, “On many levels, mathematics itself operates as Whiteness. Who gets credit for doing and developing mathematics, who is capable in mathematics, and who is seen as part of the mathematical community is generally viewed as White". Your comments
Posting Date-2017-10-23

New Movie Documents Hollywood Peophilia
No one likes cockroaches. But if we've been supporting them unknowingly, we need to expose them.

"An Open Secret" is a documentary exposing the rampant pedophilia among wealthy Hollywood executives, who we may be supporting by watching movies.

The first step to get rid of cockroaches is to recognize them. This film, free on Vimeo until October 31, does the job. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-10-23

New Movie Attempts to Reform Culture With Wholesome Entertainment
Filmmaking couple Kevin and Sam Sorbo are releasing a new movie this month, ‘Let There Be Light,’ with Executive Producer Sean Hannity, in an effort to reform American culture through Christian entertainment.

In light of the cultural degradation exemplified by sexual allegations made against Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, the film comes out at a great time.

‘Let There Be Light’ centers around a prominent atheist’s journey to wrestle with questions about the existence of the divine after a near death experience makes him question everything he thought he knew about life and death and the grief of losing a loved one.

“The film gives hope,” Sam told TheDCNF. “But the important part of the film to me is that it looks at death. And as a culture, we don’t look at death, we don’t look at what happens later. We’re very much the ‘Me! Me! Me! Now! Now! Now!’ generation. And I think it’s important. Right? I think it’s important to look at long-term. Where are we going? What are we doing here? What’s the purpose?”

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Posting Date-2017-10-14

HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS Gather To Pray Rosary Along Poland’s Borders For Defense Against Secularism and Islam
Polish PM, Beata Szydło Tweets Support For Event Marking Feast of Our Lady of The Rosary, Commemorating Historic Victory That Saved Europe from Ottoman Turks in 1571

Hundreds of thousands of Poles took part in a massive prayer vigil Saturday, forming a human chain which spanned the length of the nation’s 2,200-mile border – through forested wilderness and snowy mountain crossings, along river banks and coastal beaches. Fishing trawlers and sailing boats joined the event on open water whilst airport chapels were said to be overflowing.

The ‘Różaniec do grana’’, or ‘’Rosary to the Borders’’ event was deliberately planned to coincide with the liturgical feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary (October 7th), which commemorates the landmark 1571 Battle of Lepanto in which outnumbered European forces under Pope Pius V won a decisive naval battle against the Ottoman Turks. The victory, credited with saving Europe from Islamic expansion, was attributed to the praying of the rosary by beleaguered Christian forces.

Impressive crowds gathered for Mass Saturday morning, followed by processions to 4,000 border locations, each selected to be several hundred yards from the next so as to encircle the entire Polish territory in a ‘’chain of prayer.’’

At 2pm, along the length of the border, the rosary was recited by hundreds of thousands to invoke spiritual protection from secularism and Islamization, according to organizers

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Posting Date-2017-10-10

Hungary Fighting the New World Order to Keep its National Identity
The headline from RT reads: "‘Christian duty to fight Satan’s Soros plan to bring migrants into Europe’ – Hungarian MP"

A Hungarian MP slammed billionaire George Soros and supporters for attempting to dilute the spirit of Europe with “the forced settlement of tens of millions of migrants.” He claimed there is a Christian duty to fight what he called “Satan’s Soros” plan.

The lawmaker in question, Andras Aradszki, who represents the Christian Democratic People’s Party (KDNP), claimed that “Soros and his comrades want to destroy the independence and values of nation states,” as cited by the Budapest Beacon.

According to Aradszki this is happening “for the purpose of watering down the Christian spirit of Europe with the forced settlement of tens of millions of migrants.”

“But the fight against Satan is a Christian duty. Yes, I speak of an attack by Satan, who is also the angel of denial . . . . ."

“We want a Hungarian Hungary and a European Europe,” the PM Orban said on the first day of parliament’s autumn session.

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Posting Date-2017-10-10

Mike Adams Proves 2nd Las Vegas Shooter With Acoustic Forensic Analysis
Mike Adams, aka the Health Ranger, has used forensic analysis of the shots fired into the crowd to prove the existence of at least 2 shooters.

Adams uses the fact that, because the speed of the bullet is faster than the speed of sound, the sound of the shot hitting the pavement comes before the sound of the rifle going off.

The time difference between sound of bullet hitting pavement and bullet leaving rifle is a signature indicating how far away the shooter is. Adams has pinpointed two distinctly different signatures, proving at least two different shooters.

He has offered to help the FBI with the analysis.

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Posting Date-2017-10-10

FBI Reports Show Blacks Significantly Over-represented in 2016 Crime Statistics
I don't like to report this, but it is better to expose reality, so we can deal with it realistically. Newly released figures covering 2016 that break down arrests in terms of race illustrate how black people are still vastly overrepresented in virtually every crime category.

African Americans are the largest racial minority, amounting to 13%-17% of the population, yet they account for 26.9% of total arrests and 52% of total murders.

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Posting Date-2017-10-09

23 Medicinal Plants the Native Americans Used on a Daily Basis
Native Americans are renowned for their medicinal plant knowledge. It is rumored they first started using plants and herbs for healing after watching animals eat certain plants when they were sick. In order to protect these plants from over harvesting, the medicine men used to pick every third plant they found. The Native Americans had a spiritual view of life, and to be healthy, a person had to have a sense of purpose and follow a righteous, harmonious, and balanced path in life. They believed some illnesses were life lessons the person needed to learn and that they shouldn’t interfere. Many modern remedies and medicines are based on the Native American knowledge of the different plants and herbs they used for thousands of years.Some of the herbs used were Sage, Saw Palmetto, Rosemary, Slippery elm, Ashwagandha and Licorice.

But one of the most remarkable herbs from the North American Native People is not even mentioned among the 23 medicinal plants. It is called Bloodroot and has been used by Native Americans for treatment of cancer as well as moles and warts.

There is even a Facebook group where people post pictures of the herb's action on their skin problems.

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Posting Date-2017-10-09

European Conquest of Indigenous Peoples Brought Them a Higher Standard of Living
Do you ever feel a bit guilty for how our ancestors treated the indigenous peoples of North America? And how some of us continue to benefit from that inhumane treatment of them?

It might ease your conscience a little to know that before Columbus appeared on the scene, the indigenous peoples were extremely barbaric among themselves - They practiced unspeakable violence and oppression. There were massacres of entire villages. Victims were "not just killed, but mutilated. Hands and feet were cut off, each body’s head was scalped, the remains were left scattered around the village, which was burned."

Think “slavery, cannibalism and mass human sacrifice.” From the Aztecs to the Iroquois, that was life among the indigenous peoples before Columbus arrived.

“Most Native American tribal groups practiced some form of slavery before the European introduction of African slavery into North America.”

“Enslaved warriors sometimes endured mutilation or torture that could end in death as part of a grief ritual for relatives slain in battle. Some Indians cut off one foot of their captives to keep them from running away.”

At the re-consecration of the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan in 1487, the Aztecs performed a mass human sacrifice of an estimated 80,000 enslaved captives in four days.

Captives of the Iroquois in 1642 had their fingers cut off, were forced to set each other on fire, had their skinned stripped off and, in one captured warrior’s case, “the torture continued throughout the night, building to a fervor, finally ending at sunrise by cutting his scalp open, forcing sand into the wound, and dragging his mutilated body around the camp. When they had finished, the Iroquois carved up and ate parts of his body.”

With this perspective, indigenous peoples' lives have significantly improved since Columbus came.


This information is from an article based on several sources including:

George Franklin Feldman's “Cannibalism, Headhunting and Human Sacrifice in North America: A History Forgotten”

Tony Seybert's “Slavery and Native Americans in British North America and the United States: 1600 to 1865”

Kim MacQuarrie's “The Last Days of the Incas.”

Rev. Father Barthelemy Vimont’s “The Jesuit Relations”

Marvin Harris' “Cannibals and Kings”

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Posting Date-2017-10-08

Fake News has been around forever and is here to stay.
On January 13, 1535, the French King Francis I signed into law the death penalty by hanging for using a printing press at all. Yes, you read that right: there was a death penalty for making unauthorized copies. The justification for the law, as still readable in the preserved logs from 1535, was to “prevent the spread of misinformation and false news”. If Galileo had said that people in Padua were ten feet tall, he would have been regarded as a harmless eccentric. Saying the earth orbited the sun was another matter. The church knew this would set people thinking. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-10-08

California reduces penalty for knowingly exposing someone to HIV
California just reduced the penalty for knowingly exposing someone to HIV without telling them, from a felony to a misdemeanour. Generally, a felony is punishable by more than one year in prison and a misdemeanour by less than one year.The measure also applies to those who give blood without telling the blood bank that they are HIV-positive. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-10-08

Nancy Sinatra Suggests NRA Members Should Be Executed
Nancy Sinatra, daughter of legendary musical artist Frank Sinatra, responded to the Las Vegas shooting by suggesting that National Rifle Association (NRA) members should face execution. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-10-07

December 29, 1890 - Remember the Massacre at Wounded Knee
As dawn appeared on December 29, 1890, about 350 Lakota Indians awoke, having been forced by the US Army to camp the night before alongside the Wounded Knee Creek in South Dakota. The US Cavalry’s 7th Regiment had “escorted” them there the day prior and, now, surrounded the Indians with the intent to arrest Chief Big Foot (also called Spotted Elk) and disarm the warriors. When a disagreement erupted, army soldiers opened fire, including with Hotchkiss machine guns. Within minutes, hundreds of children, men, and women were shot down. Perhaps as many as three hundred killed and scores wounded that morning.

Few Americans now know that the deadliest shootings in US history were massacres of native peoples. Today is the anniversary of the largest such massacre.

The event’s common name, “The Battle of Wounded Knee,” obscures the true horrors of that day. For this was no “battle” — it was a massacre.

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Posting Date-2017-10-07

US City Replaces Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples' Day
Portland became the latest municipality in Maine to recognize indigenous people instead of Italian explorer Christopher Columbus, who arrived in the New World on Oct. 12, 1492. While one resident at Monday’s meeting called Christopher Columbus “a murderer,” another said that eliminating the Columbus Day holiday in Portland “is like a slap in the face to the Italians who reside here.” Your comments
Posting Date-2017-10-04

Las Vegas Strip shooter prescribed anti anxiety drug in June
Shooter was prescribed diazepam, the drug that was first marketed as Valium. This drug is linked to aggression and violence. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-10-02

Black People Are Not Disproportionately Targeted By Police
Peter Kirsanow of of the US Commission on Human Rights responds to claims that black people are targeted by police.

Mr. Kirsanow confirms that police do kill blacks 2.5 times more often than whites, but it is because there are many more blacks are involved in crime than whites.

". . . the number of shootings [of blacks] is far below that which would be predicted by crime involvement".

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Posting Date-2017-09-25

How to End the Korea Crisis (not with schoolyard insults)
Ron Paul says "Pull all US troops out of the Korean peninsula; end all military exercises on the North Korean border; encourage direct talks between the North and South . . ."

And later he reports the strange situation: "While US Ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, was bragging that the new UN sanctions against North Korea would result in a near-complete blockade of the country (an act of war), the South Korean government did something last week that shocked the world: it announced an eight million dollar humanitarian aid package for pregnant mothers and infant children in North Korea."

A South Korean magazine editor comments on South Korea’s complicated, and contradictory, relationship with the North:

“In South Korea, it’s deeply personal, and it’s deeply complex. You don’t encounter North Korea just as a foreign country. It's supposed to be your brother, your family, that one day you’re supposed to reunite with,” she said. “This kind of familial attachment coexists simultaneously with this aversion to North Korea because it’s a military threat.”

Yes, I agree, a very complicated relationship. NK getting sanctions AND aid? Chinese banks not doing business with NK? Fear with familial attachment? I'm not sure if Ron Paul's solution would prevent NK from marching into South Korea, but I'm not sure the north would try to either.

[Note about Ron Paul: Before he retired, Ron Paul was an OBGYN. According to Alex Jones, in the 1980s Dr. Paul used to volunteer every night for a week each month at a charity hospital in Houston delivering babies. For this he was paid $2.00 per night for coffee or juice. This says a lot about where Ron Paul is coming from and how he would like the world to be.]

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Posting Date-2017-09-25

Rome, Italy: Kissing Couple Attacked Outside Mosque
A 24-year-old Malaysian national was arrested Sunday night for allegedly attacking a couple who were walking hand-in-hand and kissing near an Islamic centre in Rome's Esquilino quarter. The man reportedly told them "you can't kiss in front of the mosque" before pushing the young woman and punching and kicking the young man. The assailant also allegedly attacked police who came to the scene. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-09-25

You can’t beat the beet for muscle recovery: Scientists reveal how the superfood heals muscle damage
Drinking beetroot juice may help muscle damage following strenuous physical activities, British scientists revealed. Scientific references here and here. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-09-25

Good Man With Gun Subdues Tennessee Church Shooter
Sudanese gunman opened fire in Tennessee church - He was subdued by an usher with gun Guns make individuals more powerful. Good people should be more powerful. Therefore well trained, good people have the right to carry guns. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-09-24

Coming Soon: A Vaccine For Cavities
Soon we won't have to worry about cavities any more. Scientific reference Your comments
Posting Date-2017-09-22

No man survives when freedom fails
"No man survives when freedom fails,
The best men rot in filthy jails,
And those who cry 'appease, appease'
Are hanged by those they tried to please."
-Hiram Mann
Your comments
Posting Date-2017-09-22

Entitled terror suspect pleads not guilty, re-affirms love for ISIL and pledges attacks
In Toronto, Rehab Dughmosh has simultaneously re-affirmed her love for the Islamic State, pledged to attack others in its name if released and, oh yes, pleaded not guilty to a sheaf of terrorism-related charges against her. The 32-year-old, Syrian-born Dughmosh faces the charges in connection with a bizarre incident at a Scarborough Canadian Tire where she allegedly swung a golf club and wielded a knife at employees and customers, all the while sporting a headband with Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) markings and shrieking “Allahu akbar!” Your comments
Posting Date-2017-09-21

Tax Returns Show Hillary Clinton Has Made More Than $800K Betting on the Trump Stock Market
This is what this unproven headline should say: "Tax Returns Suggest Hillary Made $800,000 Because of Market Rise After Trump Election" We shouldn't have to read the story to find the truth about the headline. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-09-20

Nowhere To Hide: Doorbells, iphones, Public Cameras Recognize Your Face
The Hello doorbell will use Google's facial recognition technology to identify people at your door.

It comes with a built-in video camera and speakers to engage visitors and warn you if they are strangers.

Your iphone can unlock by scanning your face.

Cameras in crowded public areas may be comparing your face to a government database.

Your comments
Posting Date-2017-09-20

New study shows why college students can’t handle free speech
20 percent of college undergraduates believe that violence is a justifiable response to a controversial speaker. I thought the free speech issue was settled in 1791 with the First Amendment. And entrenched with the 1960s protests. Can't we get past this silly side show? The cultural imperative of free speech is more important than your need not to be offended. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-09-19

Poland Demands $1 Trillion from Germany for WW2 Reparations
Critics say the government is trying to divert attention from its nationalistic agenda. Poland along with Czechoslovakia and Hungary have resisted European Union domination more than other countries Your comments
Posting Date-2017-09-18

British law punishes non violent racist more than sexual abuser of children.
Your comments
Posting Date-2017-09-18

Home-schooled unvaccinated 3 year old future doctor learns to read in home video from 1991.
This 20 minute family video shows Baby Ann (now Dr. Scarlett Armstrong) sailing through a few paragraphs of her Dick and Jane reader.Note the thoughtful facial expressions and Ritalin-free body language, showing her mastery of the stress of learning. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-09-18

Apple-shaped women face a greater risk of cancer: Carrying excess fat on the stomach means they are more than 50 percent more likely to develop lung and bowel tumours
Study author Line Mærsk Staunstrup from Nordic Bioscience and ProScion in Denmark, said: 'In women, it is known that menopause initiates a shift of body fat toward higher level of abdominal adiposity, which may mediate obesity-related cancer risk. 'Avoiding central obesity may confer the best protection.'The researchers analysed 5,855 postmenopausal women with a mean age of 71. The study was presented at the European Society for Medical Oncology congress in Madrid, but does not appear to be peer-reviewed. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-09-15

Fearful of Trump's America, asylum seekers from across the globe stream into Canada
Your comments
Posting Date-2017-09-15

Yes, we sat in silence and watched as mass immigration and multiculturalism destroyed Europe, but at least no one called us racist!
Your comments
Posting Date-2017-09-14

Commonly prescribed antidepressants raise the risk of an early death by 33%
Canadian study combined the results from 17 previous studies, analysing the impact on a pool of nearly 380,000 people.[Editor's suggestion: To help depression, be persistent using exercise, unprocessed organic food, Magnesium and positive activity choices.] Your comments
Posting Date-2017-09-13

Candace Owens in the War Room telling the truth about today's version of feminism
Your comments
Posting Date-2017-09-09

Google and Disqus Mess With Free Speech
Google and Disqus are making available a new tool for moderators to remove 'toxic' comments like "You are a racist pig!" from stories on websites. My freedom of speech is more important than your right not to be offended. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-06-20

Marijuana for Leukemia?
A recent study published in International Journal of Oncology revealed that cannabinoids, the active chemical in cannabis, can destroy leukemia cells either alone or in combination with other cancer treatments.Reader friendly story: Cannabinoids can successfully kill leukemia cells, reveals groundbreaking new study

Original scientific paper: Anticancer effects of phytocannabinoids used with chemotherapy in leukaemia cells can be improved by altering the sequence of their administration
Your comments
Posting Date-2017-06-02

Vaccines Made With Human Fetal Tissue are the Most Likely to cause Autism
Accomplished Stanford scientist has shown that cases of autism increase or decrease, depending on whether or not children received vaccines manufactured with human fetal tissue. The author has 20 years experience in commercial biotechnology, with 23 issued US patents and 4 discoveries in clinical trials. She calls it "Spontaneous Integration of Human DNA Fragments into Host Genome" This is strong evidence that using human fetal tissue to make vaccines is a major factor in autism.

Reader friendly story
Author video
Original scientific papers on author's website
Your comments
Posting Date-2017-05-15

Landlord Must Pay $12,000 for Failing To Remove Shoes
An Ontario Landlord has to pay $12,000 to his Muslim tenants, because he didn't take his shoes off in his Muslim tenants’ unit where they prayed, while he was showing the space to potential occupants. The Ontario Human Rights Tribunal ordered the landlord to pay this amount for injury to the tenants' feelings and dignity.

In depth interview with the landlord.

Your comments
Posting Date-2017-05-15

Vaccines Caused $3.6 billion of Injuries Since 1988
The US government's Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has paid out over 3.6 billion dollars for vaccine related injuries since 1988. But don't worry, the CDC says " the current U.S. vaccine supply is the safest in history" Your comments
Posting Date-2017-05-09

Freedom of Speech Moves Forward in USA, Suffers in Canada
American church leaders can now talk politics in church without losing their tax exempt status. Canada, most churches are registered as charitable organizations which allows them to provide tax receipts for the donations they receive...
....a registered charity CANNOT be involved in PARTISAN political activities....
Your comments
Posting Date-2017-05-08

Vaccinated kids have way more autism than un-vaccinated according to new peer reviewed study.
Excerpt of key results here
Excellent short summary here
Age of Autism story here
Original peer reviewed study here[Update 5-9-17: The original peer-reviewed study may have been too threatening, as it has disappeared. Fortunately, we have a copy on our own server here.
This finding, that vaccines are a significant risk factor for autism, will be vigorously attacked by the vaccine industry. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-05-05

BC Doing Well Economically
BC's economy currently leads Canada in GDP growth, and has been doing so for the past three years.If it's not broken, don't fix it. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-05-05

Harvard Immunologist Demolishes Mandatory Vaccination Logic
Vaccinated persons are contagious! - It has been documented that vaccinated persons who develop breakthrough measles are contagious. In fact, two major measles outbreaks in 2011 (in Quebec, Canada, and in New York, NY) were re-imported by previously vaccinated individuals.Summary by Ed Griffin: Dr. Tetyana Obukhanych, a scientist with a Ph.D. in Immunology, says that unvaccinated children do not pose a higher threat of spreading disease than vaccinated children. The following vaccines cannot prevent transmission of disease either because they are not designed to do so or because they are used for non-communicable diseases: IPV (inactivated polio vaccine), Tetanus, DTaP diphtheria, DTap pertussis, flu shots, and Hepatitis B. Discrimination in schools against non-immunized children is without scientific basis. –GEG Your comments
Posting Date-2017-05-05

“Albertan from Quebec” Maxime Bernier promises liberty, fairness and security
Maxime Bernier for Conservative Party Leader: No carbon tax; pipeline OK; pay off Trudeau's debt; no more capital gains tax; fight ISIS; RCMP should enforce firearms law, not make it. Canadian Coalition for Firearms Rights issued report cards for Conservative leadership candidates. The only one who got A+ was Maxime Bernier, a Member of Parliament in Beauce, Quebec and father of two children. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-05-04

Cancer Drugs Fund 'huge waste of money'
“In the long, long run, the medical cartel is Globalism’s most important component. It pacifies populations through poisons called medicines. And the propaganda wing of the cartel is so successful that citizens, watching the news at night, seeing men in white coats descending from a plane into a Third-World country, ready to treat people suffering from starvation and sewage piped directly into the drinking water, believe this is a humanitarian mission—as if drugs or vaccines could cure starvation.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport) Your comments
Posting Date-2017-05-04

J&J, Bayer accused of hiding Xarelto's dangers, face 18,000 patient lawsuits
The manufacturers are facing more than 18,000 U.S. patient suits blaming the blood thinner for internal bleeding. The medicine also has been linked to at least 370 deaths, according to Food and Drug Administration reports.Five natural products to help keep your blood thinner: Water, garlic, ginger, turmeric, bromelain Your comments
Posting Date-2017-04-29

Man ‘sentenced to death for atheism’ in Saudi Arabia
Man identified by local media as Ahmad Al-Shamri, in his 20s, lost two appeals after being arrested on charges of blasphemy for social media videos in which he denounced the Prophet Mohammed Your comments
Posting Date-2017-04-22

Ex-Muslim warns of religious bias in Toronto schools
With all the courage and passion of a Canadian soldier storming the beaches of Normandy on D-Day through a hail of Nazi gunfire, paving the way for our culture of freedom to continue, this ex-Muslim Toronto Christian woman pleads with parents to reject Muslim prayer in public schools. [Video] Your comments
Posting Date-2017-04-19

Canadian Study Says Babies Develop Racial Bias
Babies as young as young as 6 months old develop bias in favour of their own race. Author of the study thinks babies should have early exposure to various races. Tucker Carlson worries study will be used by governments to enforce rules for who babies see. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-04-16

Postpone old age - with exercise!
HIIT - or High Intensity Interval Training - is great for reversing deep cellular ageing changes. This type of training occurs when you aerobically exert yourself, then slow until you feel rested, then repeat the exertion, slow down again, and repeat this several times. This new research has convinced me that HIIT is essential to maintain normal health, so I have started my own individually tailored version of it, supplemented by Naturopath-prescribed CoQ10, today.

The original scientific article from March of 2017 is here.

Your comments
Posting Date-2017-04-15

Communism Taught in New Kids Book
Though real-world Communism has killed millions, this new book from MIT Press shows kids " . . a different kind of communism, one that is true to its ideals and free from authoritarianism". If you believe this, I have a bridge to sell you . . . . Your comments
Posting Date-2017-04-15

George Soros' place in earthlife's hierarchy
Soros is the multi-billionaire funder of leftwing causes and groups and the prime mover behind the Democratic "Shadow Party" network.

For example, here are 206 organizations funded by him, which shape political opinion.

Quantum of Chaos - a book about George Soros. "There are real-life James Bond villains in the world who thrive from constant chaos, social upheaval, and armed conflicts. . . . In a case of life imitating art, Soros is the perfect James Bond nemesis: powerful, ultra-wealthy, and bent on a world re-engineered according to his own desires." Your comments
Posting Date-2017-04-14

‘Ban Cars to Stop Terror’ Says Sweden’s Best-Selling Newspaper After Stockholm Attack
Cars and other vehicles “have turned into deadly weapons”, and should be banished from cities to stop attacks like the one in Stockholm from happening in future, according to Aftonbladet editorialist Eva Franchell. Self driving cars are programmed not to kill people. That will eventually solve the problem, right? Your comments
Posting Date-2017-04-10

Egypt’s Christians started Holy Week celebrations by being blown up yesterday. Two Coptic Christian Orthodox churches packed with worshippers for Palm Sunday mass were attacked by Islamic suicide bombers; a total of 44 were killed and 126 wounded and mutilated. The Islamic state claims both December 11’s and yesterday’s bombings. (Because there was no “Islamic State” around in 2011, only generic “Islamics” can claim that one.) This uptick in Christian persecution is believed to be in response to a video recently released by the Islamic State in Sinai. In it, masked militants promised more attacks on the “worshipers of the cross,” a reference to the Copts of Egypt, whom they also referred to as their “favorite prey” and—in a bit of classic Muslim projection—as the “infidels who are empowering the West against Muslim nations.” Your comments
Posting Date-2017-04-08

Key conservatives oppose the Syria air strike
Supporters of Trump's air strike: Hillary Clinton, John McCain, Paul Ryan, Lindsay Graham, ISIS, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, Angela Merkel, MSM.Opposed to Trump's air strike: Stefan Molyneux, Rand Paul, Ron Paul, Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Ingraham, Mike Cernovich, Nigel Farage, Michael Savage, Joel Skousen, Ann Coulter, Your comments
Posting Date-2017-04-06

Pedophiles Rule the World
International sex trafficking rings are controlled by the elite. A 14 minute video just released by Paul Joseph Watson which ties together stories from around the world about how some of the richest people exploit, torture and kill children.

I don't like reporting these repugnant stories, but they are avoided by mainstream media, and for the sake of the children, people need to admit there is a big problem.

Your comments
Posting Date-2017-04-04

Conservative leadership candidate Maxime Bernier has denounced a transgender rights bill he previously supported, saying it poses a threat to free speech in Canada.
Bernier said he would no longer support the Liberal-sponsored Bill C-16, which amends the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code to include the terms "gender identity" and "gender expression." "I regret my decision to vote for Bill C-16. If the vote were held again today, I would vote against it," Bernier said in the statement. This story is from February 14, but it is important today because it reinforces my story from March 10, in which a firearms rights group gave Bernier the highest possible rating. These stories suggest Bernier might be the best candidate. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-04-03

Dr. Phil Exposes FBI & Politicians' Involvement In Elite Pedophile Ring
"there’s been an unprecedented number of sex trafficking arrests since President Donald Trump was sworn into office. Yet the mainstream media has completely ignored this major story." " . . . there have been high-profile people arrested for sex trafficking including authority figures." Dutch TV has cancelled Dr. Phil after airing this episode exposing elite pedophilia.

Earthlifenews doesn't like covering this either. I'd much rather be working in the garden. It's for the children.

Your comments
Posting Date-2017-04-01

Pakistan says Facebook vows to tackle concerns over blasphemous content
Facebook has assured Pakistan that concerns about blasphemous content on the social media site will be addressed and a company delegation will visit this week to discuss the issue with the government, the interior minister said on Tuesday. Blasphemy is a criminal offense in the strictly Islamic country and can carry the death penalty. Blasphemy is "impious utterance or action concerning God or sacred things." Facebook is helping Pakistan 'tackle concerns' about blasphemy, a crime for which the offender may be killed by the government. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-31

Military Man Aims to Expose Pedophiles
Former Navy Seal Craig Sawyer has launched a national non-profit organization which aims to expose child trafficking across the nation and save children from torture. The crowd-funding site YouCaring shut down Mr. Sawyer’s donation page following his appearance on the Alex Jones Show Friday and within 30 minutes of the publication of this article. The best anti-septic for corruption is sunlight.

Here is a recent example of how widespread this under-reported and seldom followed up scourge is.

Infowars has the best headline for this story: CROWDFUNDING SITE BANS INVESTIGATIONS OF CHILD SEX SLAVERY

Why won't the crowdfunding site touch it? Isn't it good to rescue exploited children?

Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-29

Student Has Grade Docked for Using the word 'Mankind' in English Paper
A Northern Arizona University student lost credit on an English paper for using the word “mankind" instead of a gender-neutral alternative. Cailin Jeffers, an English major at NAU, told Campus Reform that she received an email from one of her professors, Dr. Anne Scott, informing her that she had been docked one point out of a possible 50 on a recent paper for “problems with diction (word choice)” related to her use of the word “mankind” as a synonym for “humanity.” Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-26

Trump's first mistake: He is pushing too hard for foreign entanglements.
Trump wants to wipe out ISIS with military action. This is like curing cancer by cutting out the tumour. It is possible and often necessary, but without fixing the deeper cause, it is likely to come back. The deeper cause of ISIS is their weapons and funding and cutting them off is the peaceful way to resolve the issue. Steve Pieczenik explains [2 minute YouTube]. Ron Paul discusses how Trump is mistakenly appointing people who like war [1 minute YouTube]. It's time for the US to stop being the world's police force. We would be safer with a less interventionist foreign policy. Eliminate ISIS by cutting off their weapons and funding. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-25

Sermon at Montreal mosque calls for Jews to be killed.
A Montreal mosque is drawing attention after a video of an imam delivering a sermon in which he asks for Jews to be killed surfaced online.This is not an isolated incident. There have been similar events in Montreal and Toronto mosques. Why were they all invited to speak? Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-25

University of Arizona distributes 20-page booklet on how to deal with microaggressions
It recommends the offended say 'OUCH' and the offender 'OOPS' Microaggressions are'everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs or insults' based off an individual's minority status Thank goodness the University of Chicago does not support trigger warnings or safe spaces. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-23

Justin Trudeau's anti-free speech motion has just passed - Faith Goldy reacts - 6 minute YouTube
M103 is what the government has touted as an "anti-Islamophobia" motion, but in reality, it's little more than a blasphemy law against freedom of speech. 201 MPs voted in favour of the motion, and 91 MPs voted against it. Canada is moving in the wrong direction. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-22

Mothers Create ‘HIJAB BARBIES’ To Fight Racism
Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-21

The RCMP have stopped telling us how many 'refugees' are coming from the US into BC and Manitoba -7 minute YouTube
Faith Goldy explains why the RCMP's decision to stop weekly reports on fake refugees entering Canada puts citizens at risk.Too many 'refugees' for the RCMP to report in March? -----> Get ready for mass movements in the summer and more unexpected knocks on the door. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-20

Why do leftists move to the right?
“Any man who is not a socialist at age twenty has no heart. Any man who is still a socialist at age forty has no head.” -Attributed to Winston Churchill and others Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-20

GMO Apple Promoted in Canadian Schools
Corporate promotion of GMOs in Canadian schools The program “Agriculture in the Classroom” is sponsored by four of the top six largest seed and pesticide companies in the world Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-19

Trump says Rachel Maddow and NBC News are 'bad people'
The president said that ‘there’s something wrong’ with Rachel Maddow. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-19

Mexicans Flood Into Canada As 2017 Border Detentions Surpass All Of 2016
"A couple of days ago we noted that Mexican immigrants were suddenly flooding into Canada to avoid deportation from the U.S. The increase in northern border crossings came, at least in part, courtesy of Canada's decision to lift visa requirements for Mexican 'tourists' as of December 1st. Per the new rules, rather than a visa, under Trudeau's administration, Mexicans are now only required to have a so-called Electronic Travel Authorisation (ETA) which can be purchased online for CAD $7." "Unfortunately, while Canada's relaxed travel requirements were applauded as an enlightened, progressive alternative to Trump's xenophobic, racist approach to immigration, under the surface, Canada's policies still function much like Trump's proposals. As Mexican immigrants are suddenly finding out, while Canada is happy to host 'tourists' from our Southern neighbor, getting a work visa can be nearly impossible and Mexicans with a criminal record are not welcome." Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-17

Carleton University comes under heavy criticism after gym scale removed
The paper quotes one student as saying, "Scales are very triggering" for people with eating disorders.Next they'll be banning white boards, in case someone writes something hurtful Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-16

Video: Muslim call to prayer from Bethlehem, the town of Jesus' birth.
Canadian journalist Faith Goldy, just back from Israel, shares a 20 second video from a mosque in Bethlehem, across from the Church of the Nativity. Hear more from Faith at Faith Goldy Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-15

Bible verses from Luke contradict each other.
Luke 6:27-28 -"But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you."
Luke 19:27 - "But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them--bring them here and kill them in front of me."
Can someone explain? Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-14

Germany Threatens $53 Million Fine in Facebook Hate-Speech Bill
Germany threatened to fine social networks such as Facebook Inc. as much as 50 million euros ($53 million) if they fail to give users the option to complain about hate speech and fake news or refuse to remove illegal content.Free speech? Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-13

George Soros Funded ‘Day Without a Woman’ March With $246 Million
Groups that organized last week’s ‘Day Without A Woman’ march in Washington, DC received $246 million from George Soros. These are the same groups that marched against President Trump on his inauguration day. Critics believe that Soros is using women against Trump to build support for his one-world government. They point out that the march failed to address severe oppression of women internationally in places such as Saudi Arabia. [Comment by Ed Griffin]Now we know why so many people are out there marching 'for women' and against Trump - They get paid for their time. For more information on who Soros is, read Soros-Quantum of Chaos. Or follow this link directly to the 5 minute YouTube debate about Soros. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-12

Islam in Bethlehem
Canadian journalist Ezra Levant standing in Manger Square in Bethlehem, Israel, among hundreds of Muslim men for one of the daily prayers, with the bellowing loudspeaker. 2 minute video. I can understand why it would be difficult for a Christian to be there. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-12

Are we witnessing the fall of Whole Foods?
Whole Foods has hit what the Chicago Tribune reportedly described as their “worst sales slump in more than a decade.” After six consecutive quarters of same-store declines, Whole Foods was forced to close the doors of nine different stores. The 4th Avenue Whole Foods in Vancouver is always very busy when I'm there.

Update 4-4-17: Whole Foods losing staggering number of customers

Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-11

YOUNG VOTERS FUELING EUROPEAN POPULISM LED BY LE PEN, WILDERS - Anti-globalism wave captivating Europe's young and hopeful
As major elections in Europe draw near, populist-nationalist candidates Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen lead their races in the Netherlands and France, respectively, fueled by crucial support from youthful, energized voting bases. Le Pen is dominating the 18-24 and 35-49 demographics in the three-way French presidential race, grabbing a whopping 35% of support from the latter group. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-10

Couple jailed in United Arab Emirates for sex before marriage.
In jail: Emlyn Culverwell, 29, and Iryna Nohai, 27, who is pregnant, were arrested in the United Arab Emirates for unlawful sex outside of marriage on January 29, just two days after they got engaged. . . . . Despite being arrested six weeks ago they have not been charged because authorities are still investigating the paternity of the child, how long the couple was sexually active and are testing Nohai's HIV status. If true, this story should make people think twice before visiting UAE. According to Wikipedia, UAE has Sharia Law, (Islamic Law), where flogging and stoning are legal punishments. Kissing in public is illegal in Dubai (one of the Emirates) and can result in deportation, while homosexuality is a capital offence. People face imprisonment of up to 10 years for consensual sodomy. So the obvious question is, why would anyone want to live there? Oil! Also tourism. Dubai is the top tourism destination in the Middle East and the fifth most popular tourism destination in the world. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-10

Canadian Coalition for Firearms Rights issues report cards for Conservative leadership candidates
The only one who got A+ was Maxime Bernier, a Member of Parliament in Beauce, Quebec and father of two children. Kevin O'Leary got a D-. Besides being a God given right for a law abiding person, gun ownership is a profound statement of the power of the individual. It is good for good people to be powerful, so I support the CCFR and gun ownership for all law abiding citizens. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-10

Trump signs executive order on black colleges
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) will be “an absolute priority for this White House.” Black colleges are hoping for $25 billion under Trump while they got $4 billion under Obama. This story won't get the attention it deserves. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-09

For Women's Day: On This ‘Day Without a Woman,’ Don’t Leave Women Oppressed by Sharia Law Behind
Too many feminists in the West are reluctant to condemn cultural practices that clearly harm women. . . Around the world women are subjected to “honor violence” and lack legal protections and access to health and social services. According to Amnesty International’s recent annual report, throughout the Middle East and North Africa, women and girls are denied equal status with men in law and are subject to gender-based violence, including sexual violence and killings perpetrated in the name of “honor.”Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Somali-born American activist, writer and feminist. She is known for her extensive work fighting for the rights of Islamic women. Her story is one of perseverance and success against all odds. She grew up in a strict Islamic family and experienced the abuse she so passionately advocates against first-hand. She was a victim of genital mutilation. What makes Ali's stance against Islam so unique is she is the first woman from an Islamic country to publicly denounce and criticize ills related to Islam. Ali gave up her career in Dutch politics to come to the United States, where she produced 3 autobiographies. She also opened a foundation, named after her, that has helped countless Islamic women escape the abuse handed down by their families. Ali continues to periodically write opinion pieces for national newspapers to further the agenda of her foundation. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-09

Is going gluten-free giving you diabetes? New study links diet with the disease
Harvard University: Gluten-free diets adopted by increasing numbers of health-conscious consumers actually enhance the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, scientists have warned.Moderation is the key. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-09

Did Pope Francis Liken the Spread of Fake News to Taking Pleasure in Poop?
In a recent interview with Tertio, a Belgian Catholic weekly, Pope Francis likened news that is "wanting to communicate scandal ... [and] ugly things" – even in cases where there is truth to a story – to the "sickness of coprophilia," which the Oxford Living Dictionary defines as an "abnormal interest and pleasure in feces and defecation." It sounds like the Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church doesn't think much of free speech, if it concerns something ugly, even if it is true. I would venture that news about something ugly is like the flashing red engine warning light in your car. It's calling your attention to something unpleasant, so you can fix it before it gets worse. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-08

TeamIvanka Learned How to Meditate - Ivanka shared one of her favorite habits with the team.
Ivanka's fashion line achieved "record sales since the beginning of February" and "a 346% increase in the number of items sold from the previous month". And she has made TM available to her team. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-07

Vaccination and Health Outcomes: A Survey of 6- to 12-year-old Vaccinated and Unvaccinated Children based on Mothers’ Reports
Conclusion excerpt: In this study based on mothers’ reports, the vaccinated had a higher rate of allergies and neuro developmental disorders than the unvaccinated. Due to its controversial findings, this study was removed from the internet soon after its publication. Only the abstract is available now. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-07

300 refugees subjects of FBI terror investigations, U.S. officials say
Of the thousand active counter terrorism cases being led by the FBI at this time inside the United States, a third, 300, are focused on individuals who entered the United States as refugees . . . 30% of active counter terrorism cases focus on refugees. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-06

Video-5 minute - Muslim Immigration to Europe: Facts vs. Delusions
According to this Political Science student at McMaster University, 66 per cent of France’s prison population is made up of foreign born Muslims. Canadians should pay attention when considering immigration. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-06

Lack Of Deep Sleep May Set The Stage For Alzheimer's
A lack of sleep could be speeding the development of Alzheimer's plaques. A remarkable brain-cleansing process takes place during deep sleep, at least in animals. Meditation has helped me immensely with sleep. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-05

Barbra Streisand Tweets That Trump is Making Her Gain Weight
Barbra joins a long list of celebrities speaking against Trump. These include Meryl Streep, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Robert De Niro, Stephen Hawking, Stephen King, Susan Sarandon, Samuel L. Jackson, John Oliver, Cher, J.K. Rowling, George Clooney, Jennifer Lawrence, Johnny Depp, Miley Cyrus, Richard Gere, Rosie O’Donnell and Bette Midler. [Reference] This proves that common sense is not related to talent. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-04

Benadryl, Demerol, Dimetapp, Dramamine and Paxil have links to dementia - Indiana University School of Medicine study.
This new study is the first to examine the physical changes that serve as the catalyst for cognitive decline. Using brain imaging techniques, researchers at the Indiana University School of Medicine found lower metabolism and reduced brain sizes among study participants taking anticholinergic drugs.Anticholinergic drug users also showed lower activity in a region of the brain associated with memory and which has been identified as affected early by Alzheimer’s disease. The participants using anticholinergic drugs were also found to have reduced brain volume and larger ventricles, the cavities inside the brain. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-04

Report: Convicted Terrorist Organizing Next Womens March
The last Women’s March hosted numerous guests and organizers with dubious backgrounds, including Hamas financier Linda Sarsour and torturer and murderer Donna Hylton. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-04

To promote film, 20th Century Fox created FAKE NEWS sites with fake anti-Trump stories
Excerpt: The story [Donald Trump Seen at a Swiss Resort with Vladimir Putin Before the Election] was fake, and so was the news organization. The Sacramento Dispatch does not exist. Neither do its sister “news outlets,” such as the Houston Leader, the Salt Lake Guardian, the New York Morning Post or the Indianapolis Gazette. These websites — and the fake news they peddled — were part of a marketing campaign for 20th Century Fox’s new horror-tinged mystery film “A Cure for Wellness, Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-03

27 Students, Staff Diagnosed with Mumps at Cedar Hill High School
Everyone who got sick had been vaccinated. Conclusion: They should have had more vaccinations. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-03

Marine Le Pen Faces Possible Prosecution Over Graphic Tweets
Marine Le Pen is a French politician who is trying to keep France french by limiting immigration. A committee of the European Parliament has voted to strip her of her immunity from prosecution, citing tweets she shared that contained graphic images of ISIS violence, including beheading. Her tweets were in response to a journalist comparing her party, the National Front, to ISIS. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-03

LGBT - Let’s Get Behind Trump
This group hopes to increase the amount of LGBT Conservative Voices in American Society. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-03

The National Diversity Coalition for Trump
Americans of diverse roots support Trump: Arab, Indian, Puerto Rican, Vietnamese, Turkish, Muslim, Black Republican, Cuban, Filipino, African, Native, Millennial, Hispanic, Sikh, Jewish Women, Black Pro-Life, College Student, Mexican, Korean, Chinese, Russian, Hatian, Portuguese, Bulgarian, Persian, South African, Asian, Pakistani, Japanese. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-02

Cancer Dogs - Early Detection Screening Service
Quebec cancer screening service uses dogs that smell your breath. Thousands of firefighters have already been tested. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-01

Bankrupt Professors and Pastors
Video. If the professors and pastors were brave enough to do their job, Christians would suffer less at the hands of Islamic terrorism. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-01

DNA tests say Subway’s Oven-Roasted Chicken is actually 50% soy product
Subway might not have known but they should have. Congratulations CBC for exposing it! Your comments
Posting Date-2017-03-01

Video: Ezra Levant shows a Bible he has gotten, after ISIS got through with it.
See what ISIS thinks of Christians - what they did to this Bible. Ezra Levant is a Canadian journalist at He is Jewish. Your comments
Posting Date-2017-02-28

EXCLUSIVE FROM THEREBEL.MEDIA: Geert Wilders on “the patriotic spring” sweeping the West
Dutch culture is better than some other cultures and I support politician Geert Wilders in trying to preserve it. Ezra Levant is a Canadian lawyer and journalist who has just interviewed Geert Wilders. Wilders is leading in the polls right now and is opposing the cultural, legal, criminal and social ramifications of bringing a million Muslims into his country of 17 million Dutch. Your comments