Is Medical Science Seriously Racist?

By Greg Cooper,

This article is largely based on a November 6, 2017 video lecture by Mike Adams, where he claims that poor people, blacks in particular, are targets of a long standing medical/scientific agenda for their own extermination.

To support his bold claim, Adams cites world wide events showing targeting of black people, the poor or minorities with deadly actions by the scientific/medical establishment. I have added one or two more and our list or indefensible events includes:

1) Allowing toxic substances in the water supply of black people.
2) Failure to take responsibility for toxic chemicals from mines being discharged into the land and waters of aboriginal peoples.
3) Withholding life saving information on vitamin D supplementation from black people.
4) Withholding curative treatment for syphilis for blacks while telling them they were receiving medical treatment.
5) Covering up scientific research showing increased vaccine-related autism among blacks.
6) Conducting deadly antibiotic trials on black people without their consent.
7) Performing medical tests on aboriginal children without their or their parents' consent and withholding curative treatment.
8) Supporting the vicious circle promoting abortions among blacks, which supports the vaccine industry, which in turn supports more abortions.
9) Covertly adding a sterilization agent to tetanus vaccines given to 2.3 million black women.
10) Treatment of 355,000 children with polio vaccine to immunize them against vaccine-caused polio.


1) Forty-three criminal charges have been filed for massive scientific fraud in the cover up of harmful lead levels in the drinking water of Flint, Michigan, where 56% of the population is black.

2) Abrogation of treaty rights has allowed more than a century of mining in the Western United States, leaving 160,000 abandoned mines which contribute to chronic exposure to toxic waste among Native communities. In June of 2017, the EPA is trying to slowly dam toxic mine waste leaking from Red and Bonita Mine above Silverton, Colorado, at 300 gallons per minute, to make sure fouled water doesn’t flow from maze of holes in the mountain. But the EPA said it would not pay the 1.2 billion in claims for the damages to the residents, many of whom are members of the Navajo Nation, even though Business Insider says the EPA caused the disaster. Fortunately, the new Trump administration is reviewing the previously denied claims.

3) Most people know that sunlight on the skin is an excellent source of vitamin D. But few people know that vitamin D deficiency is prevalent and accounts for a large number of premature deaths from various cancers. Still fewer people know that vitamin D deficiency is more prevalent among blacks than among whites.

A 2007 breast cancer task force, seeking to find the reason for the high breast cancer incidence among blacks in Chicago, failed to propose high melanin pigmentation among blacks, which prevents sunlight absorption by their skin and contributes to vitamin D deficiency, as a likely cause of their high cancer rate. Because of this failure, vitamin D supplementation, which can prevent many cancers at little cost, was kept away from black people by the Chicago task force.

4) The well known Tuskegee syphilis experiment, conduct by the US government from the 1930s until the 1970s, withheld curative treatment for their syphilis from 399 impoverished black men in Alabama, who were told they were receiving free medical care.

5) Dr. William Thompson has admitted scientific research fraud which he was a part of at the CDC, which involved the cover up of an increased rate of vaccine-related autism among young African American male children.

6) Drug maker Pfizer conducted deadly oral antibiotic trials on Africans without their consent and lost the ensuing case in court in 2011.

7) In addition to the above abuse of blacks, the poor and minorities reported by Mike Adams, another similar abuse of has occurred in Canada, within the tragedy of the Canadian residential school system.

According to Wikipedia, This system existed from 1884 until 1996 and was funded by the Canadian government's Department of Indian Affairs and operated by Christian churches. It was created for the purpose of removing Indigenous children from the influence of their own culture and assimilating them into the dominant Canadian culture. Over the course of the system's more than hundred-year existence, about 30%, or roughly 150,000 Indigenous children were placed in residential schools nationally and at least 6,000 of them died while residents.

The CBC reported in 2013 that Canadian aboriginal children had been used in medical tests without the parents or their children being given an opportunity for informed consent. Medicines were tested in aboriginal communities and residential schools, and some of the medicines were eventually used to treat the Canadian population. Incredibly, some of those useful medicines were then withheld from the same aboriginal children they were originally tested on.

8) Abortions done by Planned Parenthood provide a major source of the fetal cells used in the manufacture of vaccines. Some researchers say this is necessary while some are sure it is not.

Vaccines have recently been linked to spontaneous abortions. So you can see the vicious circle - Abortions support vaccines while vaccines cause abortions. And black people get 35% of the abortions in the United States while comprising only 12.6% of the population. That must be why most of the abortion providers' advertising is directed towards black women.

9) In 2014, Catholic bishops and doctors of Kenya accused WHO and UNICEF of adding a sterilization agent, beta BCG, to tetanus vaccines given to 2.3 million females. There was intense debate over the issue which remained unsettled, but it has recently been re-ignited by Kenyan opposition chief Raila Odinga, who claims the vaccination scheme was a State-sponsored tool for mass sterilisation. The claim has just received (October 27, 2017) huge support from a new paper, HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World, described by Mike Adams here:

"The paper confirms exactly what Natural News reported earlier in the week: That a covert depopulation program is being run by the World Health Organization, targeting Africans for extermination via infertility chemicals administered under the guise of “vaccines.” These vaccines, notably, contain chemicals that are administered without the informed consent of the women being injected. In fact, the women are deliberately lied to and told the injections are meant to “protect your health.” But the real reason for the shots is to exterminate blacks in the name of “science” and “medicine.”"

10) It was reported in August, 2017, that more than 355,000 children under five years-old were vaccinated against polio in Syria, in response to a recent outbreak of vaccine-derived polio. (Vaccine-derived polio is polio caused by a vaccine. To the medical establishment, it is recommended to treat polio caused by a vaccine with a polio vaccine. No kidding.)


Medical and scientific agencies under governments seem to be naturally inclined to abuse minorities until they get caught.

It may be worth noting here, that if we look beyond this medical/scientific abuse, governments in general have been the world's biggest non-military killer of people in the 20th century. Excluding people killed in wars, governments have killed about 262,000,000 people indiscriminately or because of their race, politics, ethnicity, religion, or language.

When you consider all the above events together and connect the dots, Mike Adams' claim, that blacks are targets of a long standing medical/scientific agenda to exterminate them, doesn't seem so outlandish.

But personally, I believe it's more about money. The decision makers are constantly maximising their profits, and exploiting the poor is the easiest way to do that. Many of the poor are minorities and blacks, but that doesn't mean they were targeted because of their race. 'Extermination of blacks' in the headline might make you read the story, but the exploitation issue is much broader, and I believe that wealth and power, not extermination of blacks, is the driving force behind the sinister agenda.