Posting date: 2017-10-10

Hungary Fighting the New World Order to Keep its National Identity

The headline from RT reads: "‘Christian duty to fight Satan’s Soros plan to bring migrants into Europe’ – Hungarian MP"

A Hungarian MP slammed billionaire George Soros and supporters for attempting to dilute the spirit of Europe with “the forced settlement of tens of millions of migrants.” He claimed there is a Christian duty to fight what he called “Satan’s Soros” plan.

The lawmaker in question, Andras Aradszki, who represents the Christian Democratic People’s Party (KDNP), claimed that “Soros and his comrades want to destroy the independence and values of nation states,” as cited by the Budapest Beacon.

  According to Aradszki this is happening “for the purpose of watering down the Christian spirit of Europe with the forced settlement of tens of millions of migrants.”

“But the fight against Satan is a Christian duty. Yes, I speak of an attack by Satan, who is also the angel of denial . . . . ."

“We want a Hungarian Hungary and a European Europe,” the PM Orban said on the first day of parliament’s autumn session.

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