Posting date: 2017-11-28

World Premiere of Documentary on European Culture Banned by Ottawa Public Library

There has been an assault on free speech in Ottawa. A Danish-born American, Michael Hansen, had been noticing reports of undesirable cultural changes in his native Europe, like terrorist attacks and gang rapes, so he went back there and made a documentary called "Killing Europe".

The film covers the recent cultural degradation including accounts of victims of rape, anti-Semitism, and homophobia. I haven't watched it yet, but will soon.

The film was set to have its world premiere screening at the Ottawa Public Library on Saturday November 25, but was cancelled because it was 'in breach of community standards'. By removing this event, the City of Ottawa and the Ottawa Public Library are not only restricting free speech but are permitting the perpetuation of the human rights abuses shown in the film.

  Judge it for yourself and decide how important free speech is -

Watch the trailer of film

Interview with the filmmaker before the cancellation

Interview with the filmmaker after the cancellation

Pay $3.74 to watch the film on Vimeo

See how the group Ottawa Against Facism is happy about the cancellation while it promotes a celebration of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia by the Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR-RCP) (a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Party in Canada)

See how the group ACT for Canada is unhappy about the cancellation

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