Posting date: 2017-03-09

For Women's Day: On This ‘Day Without a Woman,’ Don’t Leave Women Oppressed by Sharia Law Behind

Too many feminists in the West are reluctant to condemn cultural practices that clearly harm women. . . Around the world women are subjected to “honor violence” and lack legal protections and access to health and social services. According to Amnesty International’s recent annual report, throughout the Middle East and North Africa, women and girls are denied equal status with men in law and are subject to gender-based violence, including sexual violence and killings perpetrated in the name of “honor.”   Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Somali-born American activist, writer and feminist. She is known for her extensive work fighting for the rights of Islamic women. Her story is one of perseverance and success against all odds. She grew up in a strict Islamic family and experienced the abuse she so passionately advocates against first-hand. She was a victim of genital mutilation. What makes Ali's stance against Islam so unique is she is the first woman from an Islamic country to publicly denounce and criticize ills related to Islam. Ali gave up her career in Dutch politics to come to the United States, where she produced 3 autobiographies. She also opened a foundation, named after her, that has helped countless Islamic women escape the abuse handed down by their families. Ali continues to periodically write opinion pieces for national newspapers to further the agenda of her foundation.
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