Posting date: 2017-10-23

New Movie Attempts to Reform Culture With Wholesome Entertainment

Filmmaking couple Kevin and Sam Sorbo are releasing a new movie this month, ‘Let There Be Light,’ with Executive Producer Sean Hannity, in an effort to reform American culture through Christian entertainment.

In light of the cultural degradation exemplified by sexual allegations made against Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein, the film comes out at a great time.

  ‘Let There Be Light’ centers around a prominent atheist’s journey to wrestle with questions about the existence of the divine after a near death experience makes him question everything he thought he knew about life and death and the grief of losing a loved one.

“The film gives hope,” Sam told TheDCNF. “But the important part of the film to me is that it looks at death. And as a culture, we don’t look at death, we don’t look at what happens later. We’re very much the ‘Me! Me! Me! Now! Now! Now!’ generation. And I think it’s important. Right? I think it’s important to look at long-term. Where are we going? What are we doing here? What’s the purpose?”

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