Posting date: 2020-06-17

FBI Crime Statistics, 2018 - Blacks Kill More Than Twice As Many Whites As Whites Kill Blacks

FBI murder statistics show during 2018 there were 514 instances where a black person killed a white person, while only 234 instances where a white person killed a black person.   In single victim/single offender murders:

There were 234 instances where a white person killed a black person which is 8% of all blacks killed.
There were 2,600 instances where a black person killed a black person which is 88.9% of all blacks killed.
There were 514 instances where a black person killed a white person which is 15.5% of all whites killed.
There were 2,677 instances where a white person killed a white person which is 80.7% of all whites killed.

There were 3,011 murders by whites (48.6%) and 3,177 murders by blacks (51.4%). The black proportion of the population is 13.4% while the white proportion is 76.5%.

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