Posting date: 2017-12-05

Did Trump Blast North Korea's Latest Missile Out Of The Sky?

By Greg Cooper, December 5, 2017

A Cathay Pacific airline crew says they saw North Korea's latest missile fall out of the sky.

Over the last decade, the U.S. has been successful in developing entirely new weapon systems and defences which encompass Hypersonic weapons, Directed Energy Weapons, Electro-Mechanical Pulses and satellite weapons in space.

  If Trump did have the ability to blast a North Korean missile with a disabling energy beam, he wouldn't want to reveal he had it, as that would alert adversaries to prepare for it and diminish its effectiveness. Hence, it would be top secret.

At the same time, he would not hesitate to test it on a NK missile being tested. And to save face, NK would not readily admit their missile had been 'shot down'.

This could explain how the latest NK missile 'fell out of the sky' and might make us all sleep a little easier than if we believe there are simply two madmen are facing off against each other, with us in the middle.

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