Posting date: 2018-01-16

Reasons Not To Worry About Trump Shortcomings

I have been worried over some of Trump's shortcomings, like if he takes too much responsibility for the stock market record rise when it will inevitably correct, or his dropping 59 Tomahawk missiles on Syria, or his still keeping troops in Afghanistan or his failure to establish a vaccine safety commission with RFK Jr. So I put together this collection of his accomplishments to soothe my worries:   A December 28, 2017 article from the Washington Examiner (1) lists Trump's top accomplishments, which I summarize: If you are conservative, you would like Trump's more than 11 appellate court appointments during his first year in office, shattering an all time record. You might like the largest tax cuts since 1986 - slashing the corporate rate from 35 to 21%, cutting individual rates for all tax levels, doubling the child tax credit and dramatically increasing the standard deduction. You might like that he repealed the 'individual mandate', meaning you can now refuse government health care without paying a fine. If you are a business owner, you might like that he got rid of more than 1500 regulations. He has tried to cut government waste by issuing an executive order directing every federal agency to determine “where money is being wasted [and] how services can be improved.” If you are sensitive to immigrants coming in from non-functional countries, you might be happy that his travel ban was upheld by the Supreme Court. If you oppose ISIS, you will like that their numbers and their territory has been decimated since Trump's inauguration. If you support Israel, you might like that Trump allowed the US Embassy in Israel to move to Jerusalem, the city Israel recognizes as its capital. And if you don't think Trump's withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement was a good move, you haven't read the real science (9) on the subject.

And here are some other events that have occurred since Trump's inauguration:

Illegal immigration is at a 45 year low. (2)

As of the market close on Dec. 22, 2017,the Dow Jones industrial average had gone up 35 percent. (3)

Hispanic unemployment at all-time low under Trump (4)

Black unemployment rate has fallen to a record low. (5)

Trump got the negotiations going between North and South Korea, not by acting 'normal' and being taken advantage of like his predecessors (8) but by acting tough: "North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States. They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen," he said. (6) South Korea President Moon Jae-in said, “I think President Trump deserves big credit for bringing about the inter-Korean talks.” (7)

AT&T are giving $1000 bonuses to hundreds of thousands of workers after the tax bill. AT&T also announced increased capital expenditures of $1 Billion in the US (10). Boeing, Wells Fargo and others have also announced special bonuses and pay hikes. (11) Business Insider says the tax plan could bring $250 billion into the US. (12)

I understand that no one can ascribe a single cause to economic and social events, but one has to admit that the focus of Presidential energy is a big factor in these improvements.














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