Posting date: 2017-10-14

HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS Gather To Pray Rosary Along Poland’s Borders For Defense Against Secularism and Islam

Polish PM, Beata Szydło Tweets Support For Event Marking Feast of Our Lady of The Rosary, Commemorating Historic Victory That Saved Europe from Ottoman Turks in 1571

Hundreds of thousands of Poles took part in a massive prayer vigil Saturday, forming a human chain which spanned the length of the nation’s 2,200-mile border – through forested wilderness and snowy mountain crossings, along river banks and coastal beaches. Fishing trawlers and sailing boats joined the event on open water whilst airport chapels were said to be overflowing.

  The ‘Różaniec do grana’’, or ‘’Rosary to the Borders’’ event was deliberately planned to coincide with the liturgical feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary (October 7th), which commemorates the landmark 1571 Battle of Lepanto in which outnumbered European forces under Pope Pius V won a decisive naval battle against the Ottoman Turks. The victory, credited with saving Europe from Islamic expansion, was attributed to the praying of the rosary by beleaguered Christian forces.

Impressive crowds gathered for Mass Saturday morning, followed by processions to 4,000 border locations, each selected to be several hundred yards from the next so as to encircle the entire Polish territory in a ‘’chain of prayer.’’

At 2pm, along the length of the border, the rosary was recited by hundreds of thousands to invoke spiritual protection from secularism and Islamization, according to organizers

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