Posting date: 2017-03-10

Couple jailed in United Arab Emirates for sex before marriage.

In jail: Emlyn Culverwell, 29, and Iryna Nohai, 27, who is pregnant, were arrested in the United Arab Emirates for unlawful sex outside of marriage on January 29, just two days after they got engaged. . . . . Despite being arrested six weeks ago they have not been charged because authorities are still investigating the paternity of the child, how long the couple was sexually active and are testing Nohai's HIV status.   If true, this story should make people think twice before visiting UAE. According to Wikipedia, UAE has Sharia Law, (Islamic Law), where flogging and stoning are legal punishments. Kissing in public is illegal in Dubai (one of the Emirates) and can result in deportation, while homosexuality is a capital offence. People face imprisonment of up to 10 years for consensual sodomy. So the obvious question is, why would anyone want to live there? Oil! Also tourism. Dubai is the top tourism destination in the Middle East and the fifth most popular tourism destination in the world.
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